The future of work is changing, and so are we.

Riipen, the world’s leading platform connecting academic institutions, employers, and learners, has unveiled a reimagined brand centered around its mission to end underemployment and empower individuals to achieve their full potential. The new brand reflects Riipen's commitment to inclusivity, community, innovation, and impact. By bridging the gap between academia and industry, Riipen aims to revolutionize higher education and work-based learning, offering equitable access to growth opportunities through real work projects. The brand's name, logo, and colors symbolize the concept of ripening, growth, and the connection between academic and professional worlds.
May 18, 2023
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Once an idea born out of personal need, Riipen was created by Dana Stephenson and Dave Savory as a college entrepreneurship project to address the conundrum of needing work experience to get a job but needing a job to gain experience. Since then, Riipen has expanded its reach and impact internationally with a state-of-art technology platform that connects academic institutions, employers, and learners to provide equitable access to growth opportunities.

We recently launched an improved and more intuitive version of our platform based on user feedback, confirming our dedication to providing learners with real-world experiences and connecting them with employers and organizations that value their skills and talents.

Riipen aims to revolutionize higher education and work-based learning so that learners from all backgrounds have equal opportunities to gain employable skills and unleash their full potential, all of which are aligned with our values of community, empowerment, inclusivity, ingenuity, learning and purpose and a testament to how working together can bring about positive change. 

At Riipen, we believe that bridging the gap between academia and industry is crucial for fostering innovation and preparing learners for the ever-evolving job market.

The future of work is changing, and so are we.

The reimagined, more accessible, and bolder branding is centered on our mission to end underemployability by empowering people to achieve their full potential through equitable access to work opportunities and purposeful growth, and with a new look and feel that still retains the essence of our brand's values.

We are committed to being the experiential learning platform where learners of all backgrounds, employers of all sizes and educators in a variety of programs can actively, frequently, and authentically engage so that together we can end underemployment.

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It starts with “i”.

Riipen's reimagined brand is all about celebrating both the power of the individual and the importance of inclusivity. By integrating innovative and imaginative ideas, Riipen has made an undeniable impact in the world of experiential learning. With its ingenuity and intelligence, Riipen inspires learners and employers alike to embrace the power of insightful and impactful experiences that instill confidence and inspire growth, while allowing learners to improve their skills, educators to make industry connections, and for employers to find the talent they need It's undeniable that Riipen is integral to the development of tomorrow's workforce, and our commitment to inclusivity is indisputable. 

What makes us unique.

Riipen's unique offering is our platform that connects academic institutions, employers, and learners, providing equitable access to growth opportunities through real work projects. This platform helps to bridge the gap between education and employment, providing learners with practical, real-world experience while in school, and helping employers to find qualified and motivated talent to solve business challenges and provide an opportunity to  foster a diverse and inclusive talent pipeline. 

The Riipen brand.

Our name, Riipen, represents the concept of ripening or maturing, which reflects the idea of helping learners and lifelong learners develop and gain practical skills and experience that will prepare them for their future careers. Additionally, the double "i" in our name is intended to evoke the idea of a connection or bridge between the academic and the professional worlds, where learners of all backgrounds and employers of all sizes engage actively, frequently and authentically – through real company projects, 

Our logo, with the growing "i's" is designed to represent the idea of growth, learning and development of learners. The design is intended to communicate the idea that by participating in real-world projects with industry partners through Riipen, learners can cultivate their skills, gain experience, and grow both personally and professionally.

Our brand colors.

  • Bold Orange: A saturated shade of orange as a primary color to draw attention. The bold, optimistic tone creates a sense of possibility.
  • Blue: Blue is a credible, trustworthy color. 
  • Deep Blue: Our dark blue adds a professional academic feel.
  • Electric Blue: This lighter shade adds technological energy to the palette.
  • Green: The color green connects the brand to our icon, the avocado. It adds freshness to the palette and evokes a feeling of ripening or growth.

Our icon.

Avocado: The avocado is a playful icon, and we wanted to give it proper meaning and connect it to the brand name by using it in applications that allow us to show the ripening process – from a bright green to ripe avocado. This conceptually connects it to our mission (helping learners become work ready).

You can see all these elements of our reimagined identity on our website, which has been completely redesigned to better communicate our offering and the significant impact that work-based learning can have on educators, employers and learners. 

Join us on our journey to revolutionize higher education and work-based learning by becoming a part of the Riipen community. Whether you are a learner, employer, or educator, Riipen offers an improved and more intuitive platform that connects you to opportunities for growth and development. As such, our reimagined brand and website is representative of our commitment to inclusivity, innovation, community and impact, and we invite you to be a part of this exciting journey. 

Let's work together to end underemployment and create a future of work that benefits everyone. 

Educators interested in learning more about Riipen and how to get involved can book a demo with our team here. Employers can create their free Riipen account here to work with student talent from 430+ colleges and universities.

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