Product Coffee Break webinar - July 2021

This summer, we invited educators to join us for our quarterly Product Coffee Break to learn more about the latest Riipen news and product feature releases. We also answered some great questions from educators on their experience using the Riipen platform. For those who did not get to join us, we have recaps and highlights of the session here!
July 30, 2021
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This summer, we invited educators to join us for our quarterly Product Coffee Break to learn more about the latest Riipen news and product feature releases. We also answered some great questions from educators on their experience using the Riipen platform. For those who did not get to join us, we have recaps and highlights of the session here! 

There were many updates made in the last quarter! Here are a few notable ones:

Email overhaul

Since the update of our emails, platform generated emails such as invitations or notifications are now sent in French or English, depending on the user’s settings. This change is particularly important for our French-speaking users as it allows them to easily interpret and access information from our platform. Since this update, we have noticed improved open rates and click through rates on emails.

Employer sign up improvements 

In May, we improved our employer sign-up experience and increased the quality of published projects. This means that employers are required to complete their profile with logos, website links, and other information to ensure that educators get a better understanding of who they are and what they do. This ensures higher quality projects in the project library. Since its release, we have noticed a 17% improvement in employer conversion from sign-up to projects published and a 0% drop in project publication rate!

Archived chats

We improved the messaging experience for our users by allowing conversations to be archived. This is something our high-volume users will greatly appreciate. Data from these chat conversations will still be retained while freeing up some space in your inbox. This enhancement allows for better message navigation and allows users to focus on active conversations!

Dashboard menu improvements 

Our dashboard menu has been improved to help our users find information more easily. Information on the dashboard is split into relevant sections, allowing users to differentiate between content and matches. This improvement ensures ease of navigation while maintaining a consistent structure across all types of dashboards.

Request expiry changes 

We have extended the current request expiry timeline from 14 days to 21 days while creating consequences for request expiration. Users will now have more time to meaningfully review these requests. Educators and employers who let more than 3 requests expire on a given course or project will see their course of project closed and removed from the Marketplace.These changes increase the responsiveness of our users and reduce the overall number of expired requests. We have already seen a 7% decrease in expired requests since this update was released. 

Level UP accomplishments 

The success story of 2021 so far has been our Level UP program! A total of 749 employers provided 2,054 projects, and more than 4,400 student projects are underway! Over 2,000 students have already completed Level UP projects and received their $1,400 stipend! 

Gabrielle, a student who tackled a Level UP Marketing project, shared how much she gained in confidence and how she now knows that her career aspirations align with her personality and skill set. Full testimonial:

David Sim, President of Arbourdale, shared how beneficial and important Level UP has been for his business due to the shortage of students in the agri-science/agri-food business. Students helped Arbourdale with marketing and communications projects. Full testimonial:

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our summer Product Coffee Break. If you did not get the chance to attend, please look forward to our next one in October. With so many new features and improvements to come, our team is always working to ensure the best possible experience for our users. 

To be involved in future usability testing, connect with our team at


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Some Form Elements
hs-form is main form class.
form-columns-1 is class of wrapper with 1 column for inputs.
form-columns-2 is class of wrapper with 2 columns for inputs.
input and label
Field Description / Help text
This is help text for the field
Field error message
hs-error-msgs inputs-list
  • Error message label
hs-error-msgs inputs-list is an HTML list element.
hs-error-msg is a text span inside HTML List Item element.
Text area Input
hs-input hs-fieldtype-textarea
hs-fieldtype-textarea is added as combo class.
Note: HubSpot uses basic HTML checkboxes, Webflow checkboxes works differently than the default HTML checkboxes, hence in order to style HubSpot checkboxes you need custom CSS.
you can use Webflow checkbox to style and then copy CSS from it.
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