How to put an internship on a resume

May 9, 2024
6 mins
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So, you've got an internship or multiple internships under your belt and you've gained hands-on experience, but now comes the challenge: how do you translate that onto your resume? Will it really make a difference or help you stand out in the sea of applications? It's a common concern, and you're not alone in feeling this way.

The job market can be a daunting place, with stories aplenty of recent graduates and seasoned professionals struggling to find work. In fact, statistics show that 90% of online applications receive no response at all.

If you're worried your application is destined to get lost in the crowd, rest assured, that internship you completed holds the potential to make you stand out. And we're here to guide you through the process of effectively showcasing how to put an internship on a resume.


Why you should include internships on your resume

Internships (even virtual ones) are more than just a brief stint at a company; they are a tangible way to gain practical experience, hone your skills, and demonstrate your career readiness. But the value of an internship extends beyond just the skills you acquire. They make you a more attractive candidate by showing that you are proactive and committed to your personal and professional development.

In fact, research indicates that candidates with internships listed on their resumes have a 12.6% higher probability of receiving job interview invitations compared to those without such experience. 

Including them on your resume will demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the industry and prove to employers that you have been actively engaged with the professional world and are familiar with its dynamics and challenges.

When to include internships on a resume

Deciding whether to include an internship experience on your resume can significantly influence how potential employers view your application. Generally, there are specific criteria that can guide you in making this decision.

When to include: 

  • When it’s relevant to the job.
  • When you lack professional experience and need to fill in gaps in your employment history.
  • If you’re a recent graduate and need help adding more depth to your professional experience. 

Bottom line, any time the internship demonstrates skills or experience that shows that you have already been exposed to the field and have practical experience with the kind of work you will be doing, it should be included. Even though internships aren’t traditional employment, they can effectively showcase your capabilities and readiness for the workplace.

When to remove internships: 

  • When you’ve gained a substantial employment history. 
  • When the internship took place many years ago. 
  • If the skills are irrelevant to the job market.

Just remember, as your career progresses and you gain more relevant work experience, you can start to omit internships from your resume. 

Where to place internships on your resume

Choosing where to position internships on your resume can play a pivotal role in how recruiters perceive your professional background. Typically, resume templates consist of sections such as Professional Summary, Work Experience, Education, Skills, and sometimes Additional Activities. 

So, where do you fit in internships? Well, since many recent graduates lack the extensive work history needed to fill out the ‘Work Experience’ section, they have one of two options:

Place internships under ‘Work Experience’

  • Or -

In a separate ‘Internship’ section.

A general rule of thumb is if you have two internships or more and they are somewhat relevant but not directly aligned with your target role, create a separate section titled 'Internships' to keep them organized without overshadowing your full-time positions.

Additionally, it's important to take advantage of different platforms to add even more details to your resume. These can either be separate links included in your resume or platforms. Platforms like LinkedIn, Riipen, and personal websites are excellent tools to use to showcase your internship experience and work more comprehensively.

By strategically placing internships on your resume and enhancing their visibility through online platforms, you ensure that potential employers see a well-rounded and compelling picture of your transferable skills and professional capabilities.

How to write about an internship in your resume

Now that you have a better handle on when you should include an internship experience on your resume and where they should go, it's time to actually write them. Here’s one of the best strategies to effectively translate these valuable, hands-on experiences onto paper.

1. Organize internships chronologically

Whether you choose to include your internships under 'Work Experience' or in a dedicated 'Internships' section, it's important to list them in chronological order, with the most recent internship first. This helps the reader easily follow the progression of your work history.

2. Include relevant details

For each internship experience, be sure to include the following key details:

  • Position/job title
  • Company name
  • Location
  • Dates of the internship

Providing this basic information gives hiring managers a clear understanding of your experience. You can also briefly introduce the company or department to provide helpful context. 


Marketing Intern, Riipen

Vancouver, BC

June 2022 - August 2022

Riipen is a leading experiential learning platform, specializing in building meaningful partnerships for post-secondary institutions, businesses, and students.

3. List your responsibilities

This is arguably the most important part because it will show hiring managers and recruiters the skills and responsibilities you undertake when completing your internship expereince. Use action verbs to describe your tasks and focus on duties that directly relate to the target job you are applying for. 

Again, make sure that you're selecting the skills that are relevant to the job. You can find the action words they used in the job description to help you here. 


  • Conducted market research to identify potential partnership opportunities and emerging trends.
  • Assisted in the creation of marketing materials, including social media posts and blog content.
  • Contributed to the planning and execution of digital marketing campaigns.
  • Provided support during meetings with clients and partners.

4. Highlight your achievements

In addition to your responsibilities, be sure to identify and detail any significant achievements, contributions to projects, or recognition you received during the internship. Whenever possible, quantify your results to provide concrete evidence of your impact. 


  • Developed a social media campaign that increased user engagement by 40%.
  • Generated innovative content ideas that were implemented across various marketing channels.
  • Recognized by supervisors for exceptional performance and dedication to the team.

5. Format and proofread

Ensure that your resume is well-formatted and easy to read. Use a consistent format throughout, and employ clear and concise language to describe your experiences. Thoroughly proofread your resume to catch any errors or typos, as attention to detail is crucial in demonstrating professionalism.

Examples of including internships on a resume

Now, let’s put it all together and see it in action. First, let’s look at the internships integrated into the ‘Work Experience’ section.

Internship included in ‘Work Experience' section

Professional Summary 

This is a concise statement that highlights your key qualifications, experience, and career objectives.


This is where you would list out key skills that you have that are relevant to the position you’re applying for.

Work Experience 

Sales Associate, Ikea

Richmond, BC

September 2022 - Present

  • Achieved a 15% increase in monthly sales by providing personalized customer service and recommending complementary products.
  • Maintained store cleanliness and organization to create a welcoming environment.
  • Delivered a positive shopping experience and achieved sales targets with team members.
  • Collaborated with team members to streamline inventory management processes, resulting in a 20% reduction in stock discrepancies.

Marketing Intern, Riipen

Vancouver, BC

June 2023 - August 2023

  • Conducted market research to identify partnership opportunities and emerging trends.
  • Developed a social media campaign that increased user engagement by 40%.
  • Assisted in creating marketing materials and executing digital campaigns.
  • Recognized for exceptional performance and dedication to the team.

Research Assistant, Riipen

Vancouver, BC

January 2023 - May 2023

  • Conducted literature reviews and data analysis for various research projects.
  • Assisted in designing and implementing research methodologies.
  • Presented findings to team members and supervisors.


This section covers your academic background, including your degree(s), institution(s) attended, major(s) or field(s) of study, graduation date(s), and any academic honors or achievements.

Additional Activities

This section provides an opportunity to include any relevant extracurricular activities, volunteer work, certifications, or professional affiliations that showcase your interests, skills, or involvement in the community.

Now, let’s take a look at how it would appear as a separate ‘Internship’ section. 

Internship included in ‘Work Experience' section

Professional Summary 



Marketing Intern, Riipen

Vancouver, BC

June 2023 - August 2023

  • Conducted market research to identify partnership opportunities and emerging trends.
  • Developed a social media campaign that increased user engagement by 40%.
  • Assisted in creating marketing materials and executing digital campaigns.
  • Recognized for exceptional performance and dedication to the team.

Research Assistant, Riipen

Vancouver, BC

January 2023 - May 2023

  • Conducted literature reviews and data analysis for various research projects.
  • Assisted in designing and implementing research methodologies.
  • Presented findings to team members and supervisors.

Work Experience 

Sales Associate, Ikea

Richmond, BC

September 2022 - Present

  • Achieved a 15% increase in monthly sales by providing personalized customer service and recommending complementary products.
  • Maintained store cleanliness and organization to create a welcoming environment.
  • Delivered a positive shopping experience and achieved sales targets with team members.
  • Collaborated with team members to streamline inventory management processes, resulting in a 20% reduction in stock discrepancies.


Additional Activities

Rippen can help you enhance your resume

As students and recent graduates, the struggle to gain practical experience and stand out in a sea of resumes is all too familiar. It's the classic catch-22: you need a job to gain experience, yet you can't gain experience without a job. 

And in today's fiercely competitive job market, simply relying on academic achievements isn't enough. Employers are looking for candidates with real-world skills and hands-on experience. This is where Riipen can make a huge difference.

Riipen is a dynamic solution designed to bridge the gap between academic learning and professional practice. Through Riipen, students can access project-based internships and collaborations with real organizations, allowing them to apply their skills in meaningful ways. It offers:

  • Authentic project-based internships from nearly every industry.
  • Opportunities to collaborate with real organizations on meaningful projects and build out your professional network.
  • A chance to build a robust portfolio showcasing practical skills and experiences.
  • A virtual portfolio that lets you showcase completed projects, feedback from employers, and endorsements of your skills. 

And the best part is that students can gain invaluable real-world experience and enhance their skills without worrying about expenses. The platform is completely free for students. 

Signing up for Riipen is easy. Simply create an account, complete your profile, and start exploring projects that align with your academic and career interests.


Jump ahead:

Key takeaways 

  • Including them on your resume enhances your candidacy, increasing the likelihood of receiving job interview invitations by 12.6%.
  • Where and how you include internships on your resume impacts how recruiters perceive your professional background.
  • By strategically placing internships on your resume and enhancing their visibility through digital platforms, you present a well-rounded and compelling profile to potential employers, increasing your chances of standing out in a competitive job market.

Sign up today and unlock a pathway to help you stand out in the competitive job market.

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