What it means to be a student

You are a student on Riipen if you are working on a project to build experience and gain skills, either as a part of a course or an internship program. You can participate in projects if your institution is active on our platform. Sign up as a student or search schools.

How to start a project on Riipen

For a course:

  1. Go to your course page [educator will provide course link*] and click join as a student. If you have not created an account yet, click sign up to join and create a student account.
  2. When prompted, enter your access code [educator will provide the code*] Tip: If you see a button which reads view projects instead, that means you have already been added to the course and do not need to enter the access code.
  3. Go to the projects tab, click on your assigned project then click start this project to create a new team or join an existing one, and introduce yourself to the employer.

For an internship program:

  1. Sign up to Riipen as a student.
  2. Fill in the onboarding steps. Tell us what categories of projects you are interested in will help us to recommend more relevant content.
  3. Select: complete a project for an internship program.
  4. Search for your school by name. You will see all internship programs that are active at your school.
  5. Select any internship program that is in your area of interest or study.
  6. Click join as student and enter the access code: [educator will provide the code*]
  7. You can now view all projects under the projects tab.
  8. Click apply to submit an application to the employer on any project that interests you. You can apply individually or as a team.

Create or join a team

Do not create a team without confirming your team with your instructor first.

  1. On the project page for the company you are working with, click start this project.
  2. If your team is already signed up and you are trying to join an existing team: select I want to join an existing team and click request to join. This sends the existing team members a request for you to join the team.
  3. If you are setting up a new team: select I want to create a new team. You will need to enter your team members' emails (the emails they already use or will use for Riipen).
  4. If you are working by yourself: select I want to create a new team and skip adding other team members.
  5. Write a message to introduce your team to the company. For tips on what to write, click here.
  6. You can find all your projects on your dashboard, at any time.

Additional resources

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Some Form Elements
hs-form is main form class.
form-columns-1 is class of wrapper with 1 column for inputs.
form-columns-2 is class of wrapper with 2 columns for inputs.
input and label
Field Description / Help text
This is help text for the field
Field error message
hs-error-msgs inputs-list
  • Error message label
hs-error-msgs inputs-list is an HTML list element.
hs-error-msg is a text span inside HTML List Item element.
Text area Input
hs-input hs-fieldtype-textarea
hs-fieldtype-textarea is added as combo class.
Note: HubSpot uses basic HTML checkboxes, Webflow checkboxes works differently than the default HTML checkboxes, hence in order to style HubSpot checkboxes you need custom CSS.
you can use Webflow checkbox to style and then copy CSS from it.
Radio Buttons
Success message
Submit button
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