
Emily Masching: A personal odyssey of accelerated progress at Riipen

In a career spanning over 7 years at Riipen, Emily Masching's journey from an Associate to her current role as Director of Product bears witness to the subtle yet profound influence of remarkable women who have shaped the company's cultural tapestry.
February 29, 2024
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In a career spanning over 7 years at Riipen, Emily Masching's journey from an Associate to her current role as Director of Product bears witness to the subtle yet profound influence of remarkable women who have shaped the company's cultural tapestry.

Through her passion and dedication, she became the embodiment of Riipen's commitment to excellence. The impact of her work laid the foundation for a collaborative and supportive culture, contributing to the vibrant workplace that defines Riipen today.

Another formidable figure, operating behind the scenes, seamlessly integrated into various departments. Her ability to navigate challenges with grace and bring disparate elements together underscored the transformative power of leadership in fostering collaboration and unity.

The impact of women's empowerment on Emily’s personal journey

Emily’s personal journey intersects with the broader narrative of women's empowerment at Riipen. She feels that women need to be empowered by giving them the space to unapologetically be women. The parental leave policy in Canada, especially at Riipen is a crucial aspect of the company's commitment to progress and empowering the women in its workforce. "I think it’s an incredible thing for women in Canada to have the ability to take up to 18 months of leave, and one of the best aspects of this policy is the ability to split that leave between parents, which helps separate the career impact of parenthood from gender. Having the ability to share parental leave with my husband has had a very significant impact on me personally, and the policies at Riipen make this more attractive and more affordable."

The power of diversity in leadership

"When I look at the women in leadership at this company I see a lot of diversity of strengths and perspectives. One thing they tend to share is an ability to recognize the strengths of those around them and elevate the people they work with. I also believe they have an ability to identify blind spots and think of multiple perspectives on any given issue."

From her perspective, the women leaders at Riipen bring a kaleidoscope of strengths and perspectives to the table. Emily’s journey with them has illuminated their unique ability to recognize and uplift the strengths of their colleagues. This collaborative ethos has fostered an environment where success is a collective pursuit, not an individual achievement. Their adeptness in identifying blind spots and considering multiple perspectives adds depth to the decision-making process, making it more inclusive and robust.

As International Women's Day is celebrated, Emily’s personal journey unfolds as a testament to the belief that investing in women is not just a corporate strategy—it's a powerful catalyst for personal and professional growth. The collective strength, resilience, and perspectives of women have not only shaped the trajectory of Riipen but have become an integral part of Emily’s own story within the company.

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